iModernize - The Profound Logic Software Blog

Rob Ferguson

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Tips and Tricks: Spell Check

Posted by Rob Ferguson on Sep 10, 2014 6:38:05 AM

We have become accustomed to, or perhaps reliant on spell checkers in almost all tools we use to document or write. Some may argue that the spell checker makes us lazy, others will say that it makes us more efficient but we all recognize and use the familiar red squiggly lines that appear on screen as we type.

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Topics: Tips and Tricks

New Layout Widget for Mobile Development

Posted by Rob Ferguson on Mar 10, 2013 5:05:31 AM

Profound UI is a great tool for creating a web interface for RPG programs. The biggest use so far has been to create or convert web interfaces for standard desktop PCs, but there is a great deal of interest in developing interfaces specifically for mobile devices.

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Topics: Mobile Development, New Features

New Chart Properties in Profound UI

Posted by Rob Ferguson on Jan 10, 2013 2:32:22 AM

Profound UI’s chart widget allows you to create a variety of different charts driven from either an RPG program or a direct SQL request to a database file. In Profound UI version 4.2.2. some new features were added to the chart widget allowing you to detect if a chart section was clicked. A new property onchartclick is available to fire any client side JavaScript and the chart response property allows you to send a response back to your RPG program for server side handling.

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Topics: Development, New Features

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