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Profound Survey Adds To 'Why i Matters' Discussion
by Dan Burger
This edition starts off with an IT Jungle story featuring our recent IBM i Modernization survey results. You can pre-register for the white paper where we go in-depth into the responses and dissect developers vs. upper management viewpoints on the IBM i. It'll be released sometime next week!
- "Profound Logic, one of the leading application development tool vendors in the IBM i community, shared a glimpse at a soon to be released white paper with IT Jungle based on its recently completed modernization survey."
- "The top complaint from developers was the negative perception of the IBM i platform that is held by company executives, which results in a reluctance to invest in IBM i."
- "From the business executives' perspective, the cost of modernization was their biggest concern. It's unclear whether the cost of modernization will result in maintaining the status quo, reducing the scope of modernization, or investigating the cost of migration to another platform"