iModernize - The Profound Logic Software Blog

Don’t Panic! A Developer’s Guide to Starting a Modernization Project, Part One: Planning

Posted by Ajay Gomez on Aug 26, 2019 1:56:22 PM

Starting an enterprise modernization project can be overwhelming. There are a lot of options to consider, approaches to take, modernization solutions and services to purchase, and potential risks to avoid. After working on legacy modernization projects for IBM i (aka AS 400 or iSeries) for over a decade, I’ve learned a lot about what works and best practices – and I wanted to share that information with you!

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Topics: Enterprise Modernization, Legacy Modernization

5 Reasons Why You Can't Miss PLUS 2016

Posted by Amanda Blackburn on Sep 13, 2016 1:07:45 PM

The Profound Logic team attends a lot of IBM i user groups throughout the year. And one of the questions we get asked often is, "When will Profound host their own user conference?"

The answer: Very Soon!

In fact, on November 3-4, 2016 in Columbus, OH, we're hosting our very first user conference: PLUS 2016. PLUS (Profound Logic User Seminar, if you hadn't guessed), is the ultimate opportunity for Profound Logic customers and partners to get the most from our products. You can purchase tickets to PLUS here. 

But if you still need a good reason to attend PLUS, you're in luck: Here's five of them! (Honestly, there are many more, but I wanted to keep it short. :-) )

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Topics: Events & Education, Enterprise Modernization

And the State of IBM i Modernization Is....

Posted by Alex Roytman on Mar 10, 2016 4:04:17 PM

The last few years have seen many advancements in tools and approaches for modernizing green screens and developing new, modern web UIs. But does that mean that the majority of businesses using IBM i have actually transformed their green screens? If not, what impact have legacy applications and development processes had on today's businesses?

We recently conducted a survey to uncover the “State of IBM i Modernization”. Over 400 companies replied to the survey, and the results were eye-opening. Here are some highlights:

  • Technical users (developers, analysts) have a mostly positive view of the platform, but maintaining outdated interfaces and code is a major productivity roadblock.

  • Although most companies surveyed reported that the majority of their business applications run on IBM i, their management (VP and C-level) believes that the platform is “old” and “outdated” because of the use of green screens.

  • Both technical and business users are very concerned that they will lose developers in the coming years, and that training new employees on green screens will be a challenge.
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Topics: RPG Development, 2016 Survey, Enterprise Modernization, Application modernization, IBM i applications

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