iModernize - The Profound Logic Software Blog

Rick Johnson

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Tips & Tricks: Layouts in Profound UI

Posted by Rick Johnson on Nov 18, 2014 9:14:44 AM

Hi everyone! For this week's tips & tricks blog, I'm going to cover using Layouts in the Profound UI Visual Designer.

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Topics: Tips and Tricks

Tips & Tricks: Automatically Open an E-mail Client in an Application

Posted by Rick Johnson on Nov 13, 2014 3:46:58 AM

A common subfile column for customer or personnel data is an e-mail address. Using the ProfoundUI Rich Display, you can make the address a hyperlink that when clicked will open your e-mail client with the “send to” populated. In this example, we added a grid to the canvas for a simple three column subfile. First Name, Last Name and E-mail Address make up the data we’re going to display.

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Topics: Tips and Tricks

Tips and Tricks: Things to Think about for Your IBM i Disaster Recovery Plan

Posted by Rick Johnson on Sep 22, 2014 8:05:27 AM

Most of us probably think of disaster recovery as something we’ll never encounter. Besides, what are the odds that a disaster will strike a facility? Don’t always think of “disasters” in terms of the worst possible scenario. A local or regional outage, or even one that affects just your data center is far more likely to happen than a catastrophic event. So, it’s better to be safe than sorry. If you’ve recently installed Profound UI or haven’t looked at your disaster recovery plan in a while, here are some things to consider.

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Topics: Tips and Tricks

Profound UI Tips & Tricks: Align or Space Multiple Widgets in the Visual Designer

Posted by Rick Johnson on Aug 6, 2014 6:45:17 AM

The Profound UI Visual Designer makes it easy for developers to build user interfaces. You can simply drag and drop pre-built widgets onto the canvas. In some cases, you may have several labels and fields on a screen or panel.

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Topics: Tips and Tricks

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