iModernize - The Profound Logic Software Blog

IBM i Pulse: August 31st, 2018

Posted by Tim Losee on Aug 31, 2018 7:00:00 AM


Glad to have you back for this week's IBM i Pulse! Each week we'll take a deeper look at the latest IBM i and Profound Logic news. 

From Our Experts:

Profound Logic News:

Educational Resources:

Product News:

Industry News:

In Memory of Dan Burger by Timothy Prickett Morgan

All of us here at Profound Logic where saddened by the sudden passing of IT Jungle's Dan Burger. Dan was an amazing advocate for the IBM i community. He did his best to bring knowledge and understanding to the readers of IT Jungle (and even a laugh or two). His passing has sent a shock wave through the community, but his memory will live on. Our thoughts are with his family and his colleges at IT Jungle. Below is a link to Timothy's article on Dan and his impact on IT Jungle and the IBM i community as a whole.

Read Timothy's full article here

How I Got into Node.js: Matteo Collina by Node.js Foundation 

Matteo Collina is a talented developer who resides in Italy and is currently a software architect at nearForm. He also is an Internet of Things consultant and on the technical committee of Codemotion. He gives numerous speeches all over the world and is the co-curator of Recently the Node.js Foundation sat down with Matteo and discussed how he got into Node.js and how what he currently thinks about Node.js. Here are some of the highlights from that interview:

"I had my first exposure to programming at the age 4 when my dad was copying C64 video games from magazines — I was usually sitting on his lap watching him through the process. I started coding at around 7 or 8, developing little games."

"I picked Node.js to build most of my Ph.D. code, and it was a key decision that shaped up my career. My Ph.D. focused on the real-time web and IoT."

"Node.js is the first platform where we can have immense productivity and very interesting performance. Java can be as fast as Node, or even faster, but it requires way more effort to do so."
Many companies are worried about the perception that their system is "outdated" with a green screen interface. Profound Logic is the leader in application modernization efforts, giving our customers one of the easiest and cost-effective ways to give their system the "upgrade" it needs!

Topics: Events & Education, Application modernization, IBM i applications, Node.js, Profound.js, IBM i, RPG, AS400 modernization, IBM i Modernization, Agile modernization, iSeries, Legacy Modernization

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