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Advanced Conversion Theme Magic: Part 3

Posted by BrianMay on May 14, 2015 7:23:25 AM

I wanted to do a series of blog posts about more advanced conversion theme functionality. This is an area that we get questions on quite often. So in this series of posts, I will lay out some examples of things you can do in conversion themes with a little bit of code. (You can see part one of this series here and part two here.)

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Topics: Tips and Tricks

Advanced Conversion Theme Magic: Part 2

Posted by BrianMay on Oct 28, 2014 5:52:33 AM

I wanted to do a series of blog posts about more advanced conversion theme functionality. This is an area that we get questions on quite often. So in this series of posts, I will lay out some examples of things you can do in conversion themes with a little bit of code. (You can see part one of this series here.)

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Topics: Tips and Tricks

Tips and Tricks: Advanced Conversion Theme Magic: Part 1

Posted by BrianMay on Sep 16, 2014 1:06:54 AM

I wanted to do a series of blog posts about more advanced conversion theme functionality. This is an area that we get questions on quite often. So in this and upcoming posts, I will lay out some examples of things you can do in conversion themes with a little bit of code.

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Topics: Tips and Tricks

Upcoming DDS Conversion Enhancements (Part 2 of 2)

Posted by BrianMay on Aug 26, 2014 1:30:47 AM

Last week, I published Upcoming DDS Conversion Enhancements (Part 1 of 2). I described the Character Subfile Option Code for the upcoming Profound UI release. To finish off this series, I will describe Right Click Context Menus.

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Topics: Tips and Tricks

Tips and Tricks: Upcoming DDS Conversion Enhancements (Part 1 of 2)

Posted by BrianMay on Aug 19, 2014 7:12:01 AM

I added a couple of commonly requested features to our DDS Conversion Module for Profound UI 5.0, so I thought I would post a preview. I spend the majority of my time working with customers who are doing conversions so I think these enhancements will benefit all.

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Topics: Tips and Tricks

Coming Soon! Application Modernization Redbook

Posted by BrianMay on Sep 13, 2013 6:40:32 AM

In case you haven’t heard, there is a new IBM Redbook on the horizon. This one focuses on Application Modernization. It is a HUGE undertaking and I am glad I was able to participate and represent Profound Logic.

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