iModernize - The Profound Logic Software Blog

What We Are "Profoundly" Thankful For

Posted by Profound Logic on Nov 21, 2018 10:06:46 AM


Thanksgiving week is a time to reflect on what we are thankful for and who we are thankful for. Here at Profound Logic we had an unbelievable year with many things to be thankful for! 


2018 was an amazing year, full of things to be thankful for!

I am especially thankful for the opportunity to work on so many different projects and upgrades to our technology. I am especially proud of our accomplishments as a company and am excited about the new year to come with new services and products.

I am thankful for my family, my kids, as well as the employees of Profound Logic, who are smart, independent, passionate, and energetic.

                                     — Alex Roytman, CEO


I am profoundly grateful for . . .
. . . the opportunity to live on this planet,
. . . my wife, children and extended family,
. . . friends and neighbors,
. . . abundant food, appropriate clothing and luxurious shelter,
. . . good health,
. . . interesting work,
                                  . . . hobbies and leisure,
                                  . . . a well-rounded life.

                                    — Ted Holt, Senior Software Developer


I’m thankful for my wife, kids, a healthy family and the awesome group of people I get to work with everyday.


 Jordan Antonoff, VP of Sales and Client Services


amanda2018 has been an awesome year for Profound Logic, with some exciting new products and services, and a hugely successful third annual Profound Logic User Seminar. But what I’m most thankful for is working everyday with some of the smartest, kindest, and most passionate people I’ve ever worked with. I’m proud of what we accomplished in 2018 and can’t wait to see what 2019 has in store!

Amanda Blackburn, Marketing Director



I am thankful for being able to work with an extremely talented and diverse group of people every day. I am thankful for my friends and family who have been there in tough times this year.  I am thankful for the continued success of Profound and excited to see what the future holds for us.

Tricia Smith, Customer Relations Manager



I am thankful for discovering Profound Logic, and to be given the opportunity to join such an innovative and experienced team.  It’s been great to learn more about the IBM I world, and to meet so many customers who are solving their business problems in unique and interesting ways.  I appreciate the chance to work with great people who are creating and deploying such interesting solutions.  Here’s looking forward to making 2019 a great year for our company and for our customers.

 Mike VanHorn, Director of Professional Services


Professionally, I’m grateful for all the new knowledge I’ve gained this year. To learn a new and exciting field here at Profound, as well as all the new things I’ve learned in my personal development time. It’s amazing what you can accomplish in a year.

On a personal note, I’m grateful for the brave firefighters and volunteers who have been working tirelessly here in California to handle the fires. I’m grateful for the everyday people who have stepped up to help each other. I’m grateful that I was taught the value of family, community and the importance of service.

                                  — John Fitisemanu, Senior Sales Consultant


I am very thankful for the opportunity to join the Profound Logic family this year. I have always been impressed with Profound Logic and the work they do and now it’s great to be a part of it.

 I’m thankful for how friendly and welcoming everyone at Profound has been.

And, of course, I am thankful for all the loved ones in my life and their continued health and happiness.

                                    — Al Lusher, Solutions Architect


I am thankful for discovering Profound Logic, and to be given the opportunity to join such an innovative and experienced team.  It’s been great to learn more about the IBM i world, and to meet so many customers who are solving their business problems in unique and interesting ways.  I appreciate the chance to work with great people who are creating and deploying such interesting solutions.  Here’s looking forward to making 2019 a great year for our company and for our customers.

AJay Gomez, Digital Transformation Strategist


I appreciate how our customers give us feedback on how to improve Profound UI. They’ve also been helpful in the process of making improvements.


— Matt Denninghoff, Software Developer


  What are you thankful for this year? Let us know in the comments below!

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