iModernize - The Profound Logic Software Blog

We're "Profoundly" Thankful for 2016

Posted by Profound Logic on Dec 13, 2016 5:39:02 PM


We didn't get a chance to express our gratitude on the blog this Thanksgiving; but we figure it's never too late to be thankful, especially before the holidays! Here is what few of us are thankful for this year.


“I am thankful for how much I learned in 2016, both in business and in life.

I am especially thankful for the variety I experienced in 2016. I had the opportunity to work on so many different projects and technologies with a variety of different customers and team members. I worked in vastly different industries and cultures around the world.

I am thankful for the places that work has taken me — both mentally and physically.

I am thankful for the people in my life, including my family and my kids, as well as the employees of Profound Logic, who are smart, independent, passionate, and energetic. I am thankful for our customers who love technology and use it to make an impact in the world.

I am thankful for being able to contribute to meaningful and wonderful causes through my work.

— Alex Roytman, CEO


"I'm thankful for the bright young people in IT today. This year I spent a lot of time interviewing, hiring and training young people to work on IBM i with our products. It has been very rewarding! I brought some new people to the platform with fresh ideas and enthusiasm, plus I have some wonderful new staff to help me out!

I'm also thankful for the experienced and talented staff at Profound Logic. We could not stay on top of the industry if we did not have the best staff!

I'm thankful for PLUS, where I got the chance to meet so many customers and partners in person, and teach them some new skills. I've always enjoying sharing my knowledge, and it's been wonderful to have the opportunity to do that with the products I write (in addition to the more general IBM i knowledge I've been sharing for years.)

I'm thankful for RPG and the IBM i platform. The best business platform, ever. Stability, maintainability, integration, and a language designed for business rules. I don't know what my life would be like without this language and platform!

Most of all, I'm thankful for the IBM i community. I've worked in Windows and Unix communities as well, but there's something special about the community surrounding IBM i, they are the best IT professionals I've seen, and I'm priviledged to be a part of it!"

Scott Klement, Director of Product Development and Support


Image 9.jpg"I really enjoyed 2016 because we had our first ever user conference and it was extremely successful!!! We got to spend quality time with some amazing customers and it was a really great event.

I am also super excited about our new technology with node.js and our new Agile Modernization solution! 2017 is going to be awesome."

 Jordan Antonoff, Director of Sales and Business Development


amanda"2016 has been a very exciting year for us at Profound Logic! The best part for me personally was having the opportunity to meet many of our customers and business partners at our very first Profound Logic User Group (PLUS). I enjoyed learning from them how we can continue to support their modernization needs. And of course, it’s always great to spend time with my boss and coworkers, many of whom work in different offices throughout the country. I look forward to another positive year at Profound in 2017!"

Amanda Blackburn, Marketing Director


"I am thankful for working for one of the smartest and kindest boss’s in the world. I am thankful I get to work with an extremely talented group of people every day. I am so very grateful that our first conference was a success and hearing/seeing how happy people were with us made my heart full, I always enjoy seeing customers face to face."

Tricia Smith, Director of Customer Relations and HR


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"2016 has been special. I’m thankful for PLUS, our first-ever user conference that somehow panned out perfectly. It was beautiful to see our customers collaborate at the Roundtable and have such a good time together throughout the event.

I’m also thankful to be part of a company that continues to innovate and inspire, working with and for people who empower me to do my best work. Watch out for Agile Modernization and Profound.js in 2017!"

 Thao Tran, Marketing Specialist


  What are YOU thankful for this year? Let us know in the comments below!

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