iModernize - The Profound Logic Software Blog

The State of Your IBM i Modernization is...

Posted by Amanda Blackburn on Dec 12, 2018 12:29:33 PM
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'Tis the season for reflection on the year, and for those whose businesses use the IBM i platform, that includes taking stock of their development environment. 

The IBM i platform turned 30 this year, and unfortunately many businesses have done the bare minimum to keep their outdated RPG applications humming along.  On the other side of the coin, more and more businesses have embraced modernization and digital transformation on the platform, including transforming green screens into GUI applications and updating RPG code from fixed-format to free.

But just what is the pulse of IBM i? And what plans do IBM i users have for the platform in the year to come? Are businesses investing in the future of their platform, and embracing cutting edge technologies like AI, IoT, or Blockchain?

For the third consecutive year, we are conducting a survey on the State of IBM i Modernization. The goal for this survey is to give businesses a view of how other companies are using and transforming their systems, and hopefully offer guidance on how to improve their applications and system in the year to come.

Results from the 2017 Survey

I wrote this article that was featured in IT Jungle that goes into more detail about the survey:

The survey is open through January 28, 2019. The more people who take part will give the community a more complete view of the concerns and solutions businesses are turning to with regard to their IBM i. So why not take part? Your insight will be valuable and may help give other IBM i customers the insight they need to improve and get the most value from their i in the year (and years) to come!

Take the survey here: 

Topics: Application modernization, IBM i, IBM i Modernization, 2019 Survey

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