iModernize - The Profound Logic Software Blog

'Profound'ly Thankful for 2017

Posted by Amanda Blackburn on Nov 21, 2017 4:37:13 PM
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Thanksgiving.png2017 has been a big year for us at Profound Logic, and we have to thank all of our customers, partners, and employees who made it possible!

Here are just a few of the things that made our 2017 special...

Our year kicked off with our continued focus on Node.js development on IBM i with our Profound.js product.  This year, we also became an official Node.js Foundation member, and are excited to have a say in the direction and future of the Node.js language! We'll have exciting news about the Profound.js Converter in early 2018.

We also had the opportunity to demonstrate our customer success with the IBM i community. San Diego Regional Center were recognized by the COMMON User Group as a finalist for their annual Innovation Award. SDRC's sister Center in San Bernardino used modern Profound Mobile applications to communicate with each other and care for their more than 30,000 disabled clients following the tragic terrorist attack in December of 2016.

In 2017, we released a new case study with our customers Solutions, Inc. We helped them completely transform the green screen software used by their clients. And their clients happen to be government agencies located throughout Nebraska and Iowa, which meant modernizing those screens would be no small task! By using our Mass Conversion services, they were able to convert millions of lines of code and six thousand screens into completely modern desktop GUIs within months, not years!

We're thankful that we have SO many IBM i superstars on our team to help produce quality educational materials. Alex Roytman, Liam Allan, Scott Klement, Brian May, Ted Holt, Glenn Hopwood.... these guys are powerhouses when it comes to producing tools to help our customers succeed with modern IBM i development and legacy application conversion to modern GUIs and code. One milestone for us in 2017 was the use of video as an educational tool for our customers. We created an entire category of videos for Node.js development via Profound.js - you can check out those videos here

There's so much more.... new Profound Partners, like iVolution in Italy, the success of our internship program led by Brian May in our Mississippi office.... but we'd be remiss if we didn't mention our second annual PLUS Conference that we just wrapped up in November. The event exceeded our expectations on all fronts - attendance, content, speakers.... not to mention the fun we had seeing our customers and partners face-to-face and letting our "hair down" with arcade game competitions and a sing-along led by Ted Holt!  It was an amazing note upon which to end 2017.

PLUS 2017

So to everyone who helped make this year 'profound' - THANK YOU! We look forward to working with you in 2018 and doing even bigger and better things in the year to come! 

Topics: Events & Education, Partnerships, Product Announcement, Profound.js, Agile modernization, green screen modernization, Year in review

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