Earlier this month Profound Logic Software, the leader in IBM i application modernization, announced that we had became the newest member of the Node.js Foundation. As a member of the Foundation, Profound Logic shows its dedication to the use of Node.js for legacy application modernization and new development in this sector.

"To enable widespread adoption and help accelerate development of Node.js and other related modules. We do this through an open governance model that encourages participation and technical contribution, and by providing a framework for long term stewardship by an ecosystem invested in Node.js' success."
Profound Logic is a pioneer in the use of Node for modernizing IBM i (AS/400, iSeries) source code and application interfaces, thus avoiding other approaches that can cost millions of dollars and take decades to complete.
Partnering with the Node.js Foundation was a natural fit, and as a member of the Node.js Foundation, Profound Logic can collaborate with other members and play an important role in the promotion and acceleration of Node development.
You can read the complete press release about our membership in the Node.js Foundation here.
Node.js is a JavaScript runtime that uses an event-driven, non-blocking I/O model that makes it lightweight and efficient. It's package ecosystem (NPM) is the largest open source library in the world. Node.js has many enterprise business development benefits, including the ability to build scalable and secure network applications.
The recent success of Node.js can be attributed to groups like the Node.js Foundation. Node.js has over eight million users, 50,000+ packages created, nearly 1500 global meet ups, and is ranked fourth on the Boss Index, which tracks the explosive growth of open-source software.
Foundation Resources
The Node.js Foundation has a wide range of resources that help promote Node.js as well as tips to help educate those who want to learn more about the JavaScript runtime. Those resources include:
- Case Studies
- Webinars
- Interviews with Node.js Users
- Video Tips
- Surveys
- And more...
The Foundation website is continuously updated and with new educational content and information about current product releases.
The Foundation also helps members join or create Node.js meetups and find upcoming educational events.
Profound Logic is excited to partner with the Node.js Foundation to expand the awareness and benefits of Node.js to companies on IBM i!