iModernize - The Profound Logic Software Blog

Overcoming Common IBM i Mobile Development Roadblocks

Posted by Profound Logic on Aug 10, 2015 9:21:48 AM

"We'd love to deliver mobile applications to our business... but we're not a mobile development shop!"

One of the greatest misconceptions we hear from IBM i (aka AS 400) developers is that developing mobile applications is beyond their skillset. It's very similar to the misconception that you need to use middleware or re-write applications in Java in order to modernize green screen apps. The assumption is that IBM i, and RPG developers by default, aren't "modern" enough to handle mobile devices. That couldn't be any further from the truth! In fact, it's much easier to deploy mobile applications than you may think.

Our latest white paper covers some of the top challenges IBM i developers face when building and deploying mobile apps, and offers tips on how to address:

  • Limited development time and budget
  • BYOD (Bring Your Own Device)
  • Development approaches (native vs. hybrid)
  • And more

Check out the white paper here:


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