iModernize - The Profound Logic Software Blog

New JavaScript Editor in Designers

Posted by DRusso on Feb 6, 2013 2:09:36 AM

The Profound UI Visual Designer and Genie Designer include various events that can be used to process user actions (such as a mouse click or a key press) in the browser using JavaScript code.

You may be taking advantage of this capability to provide a more interactive feel in your applications. If so, you may have noticed that entering multiple lines of JavaScript code in the properties window was a bit cumbersome.

No longer!

As of version 4.2.2, both designers integrate the popular Ace Editor. The editor is shown automatically where JavaScript code can be entered in the properties window – such as for widget and screen events.

Ace makes entering multiple lines of statements a breeze and improves readability. The editor is JavaScript-aware, meaning that it highlights/color-codes the various JavaScript syntax elements.

Even more useful for those new to JavaScript, it will even validate your code in real time and point out any problems!


Topics: Development, New Features

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