iModernize - The Profound Logic Software Blog

Mobile Development with PhoneGap and Profound UI

Posted by Profound Logic on Feb 26, 2013 3:59:10 AM

phonegapOne of the more popular topics of inquiry from our customers is the ability to easily offer mobile solutions using our product. While an application created with Profound UI can be opened within a mobile browser and resized accordingly, mobile users of this current generation have become more accustomed to installing and using native applications from their device that also interact with a device’s hardware features (camera, touch screen, gyroscope, etc.) However, mobile devices come in many different forms and flavors, and learning all the different development environments for each one can be a time consuming task.

With PhoneGap, users can take their Profound UI web applications and package them as native applications for mobile devices on the iOS, Android, or Windows Mobile platforms without having to get deeply involved with each respective development platform and language (Xcode and Objective C, Eclipse and Java, Visual Studio and C++, etc). This opens up the ability to use traditional mobile application features, such as mobile hardware interaction, in your Profound UI applications and provide a rich and modern mobile experience with your IBM I system.

By combining Profound UI and PhoneGap, we've made it possible to create powerful native applications for any mobile device without the need to learn individual OS programming languages!

To get started with Profound UI and PhoneGap, check out our document pages:

Topics: Mobile Development

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