iModernize - The Profound Logic Software Blog

IBM i #NewsinReview: Sept. 11-18

Posted by Profound Logic on Sep 22, 2014 4:26:40 AM

IBM i NewsWe're bringing you a week's worth of news in one day! Grab some coffee and catch up on IBM i (AS/400, iSeries) news from last week:

  • RPG Academy: Parameters: What You Should Know, Part 2
    By: Rafael Victoria- Pereira
    Brief: Pros and Cons of VALUE and CONST keywords. As the user, you can choose how parameters can be passed.
  • The CL Corner: True and False Conditions
    By: Bruce Vining
    Brief: How to update a column via SQL that can be called from CL in a loop
  • Big Blue to Sunset IBM i 6.1 a Year From Now
    By: Alex Woodie
    Brief: IBM I 6.1 will have its standard service discontinued on Sept. 30, 2015.
  • Restoring Passwords & Private Authorities When Using RSTUSRPRF
    By: Joe Hertvik
    Brief: Two ways to restore passwords and private authorities for user profiles: 1) If you are using RSTUSRPRF to restore all user profiles (*ALL) from one system to another, you can run the command this way to restore each user profile's corresponding password and private authorities along with their profiles 2) If you are using RSTUSRPRF to restore individual or wildcard user profiles and you don't change the SECDTA parameter, you are running this command by default.
  • Share and Share Alike with RSE
    By: Susan Gantner
    Brief: Susan discusses import and export options for both snippets and templates to share with other developers.
  • Bash is Not a Shell Game
    By: Aaron Bartell
    Brief: How to use PASE, SSH, and Bash on your IBM i.
  • IBM i Upgrades Not All On the Same Path
    By: Dan Burger
    Brief: "The farther back you are on OS releases, the harder the upgrade becomes," he says. "As time elapses, it becomes more complicated because there are more dependencies--meaning you have more things to upgrade and you find out more software that needs upgrading. The shops that go off our board (upgrade completed) in a month keep their software current and are under maintenance. When the upgrades of other software are simpler, it makes the entire upgrade simpler. Instead of finding 15 pieces of software that needs upgrades, there are only two or three."

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