iModernize - The Profound Logic Software Blog

IBM i Pulse: September 29, 2015

Posted by Profound Logic on Sep 29, 2015 4:05:53 AM

IBM i Pulse - IBM i Modernization NewsYou’re reading IBM i Pulse, our weekly bite-sized roundup of the latest headlines in the IBM i industry.

IBM Tops List of Security Vulnerabilities, But What Does It Mean?
by Alex Woodie

  • IBM has found itself atop many prestigious lists over the years--the holder of the most patents, the greenest company in IT, and the biggest server maker. But this month the cybersecurity research firm Secunia put IBM at the top of one list that Big Blue won't be proud of: The list of software vendors with the most security vulnerabilities.


Six Signs Of The Long, Slow Decline Of ERP
by Alex Woodie

  1. Dropping License Revenue
  2. Migration to the Cloud
  3. Continued Cost Overruns
  4. Fewer New Features
  5. Focus on Analytics
  6. Suite Deconstruction


IBM i, RPG, And Inaccurate Assumptions
by Dan Burger

  • Anyone who says RPG is a dead-end career is dead wrong. It's the door to opportunity. People are walking through that door with an education that costs less than $1,000 and a time investment of about six months. They have a certificate in hand and more than half of them have an entry-level RPG programmer job at an IBM midrange shop.
  • "I've heard great stories about people that have come through my classes and were hired. More than a few have quickly evolved out of their beginning RPG positions because their skills sets took off like a rocket. They are doing much greater things that what the original position called for."


What Happened to the IBM i PCRM?
by Dawn May

  • The Performance Capabilities Reference Manual (PCRM) was THE resource many used when they needed to know something about IBM i performance.
  • The PCRM had grown bloated over the years. As new releases and new hardware were made available, information was published and carried forward, but not necessarily updated or removed.


That’s all for this week! Did we miss anything? Let us know on Twitter, Facebook, or in the comments.

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