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IBM i Pulse: September 28th, 2018

Posted by Tim Losee on Sep 27, 2018 11:28:59 AM


Glad to have you back for this week's IBM i Pulse! Each week we'll take a deeper look at the latest IBM i and Profound Logic news. This week we are looking at how IBM is advancing education and why everyone will need AI in the future. 

From Our Experts:

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Industry News:

Advancing A Culture of Education at IBM by Denise Lee Yohn

IBM employees on average log 60 hours of professional education a year and the company itself spends $500,000 on employee education alone. These raw numbers showcase how powerful IBM believes education is. Denise interviewed IBM's VP of Communications Carrie Alteiri to discuss the importance of education to IBM and the first thing Ms. Alteiri pointed too was one of IBM's long-standing core value of dedication to every client’s success. She believes that to provide the success that their clients need, their employees need to at the forefront of technology information. “Often times, clients will come to us and say, ‘Help me envision something different here,’ because maybe they can't do that with their staff because they don't have the people [who can].” This dedication to innovation is one of the major driving forces in furthering the education of IBM's employees.

Beyond helping other industries grow, IBM believes that education is also critical because of the ever-growing transformation in their own industry. “Every business is transforming for the digital era, half of our portfolio -- some $40 billion -- is from businesses that we didn't participate at all in five or six years ago.” After auditing their employee skills 5 years ago, IBM realized that only 4 out of every 10 employees had the skills to support their client's future needs. This was a problem. So they decided to double down on the education of their employees to not only help their client's future but help their own as well.

Read the entire interview here

What This IBM Watson Neuroscientist Says All Entrepreneurs Should Know About AI by Cordell Eddings

From analyzing sports statistics to beating Jeopardy champions to reading 60 million pages of medical journals, Watson has already proven itself (himself?) a valuable tool. One expert believes that soon, Watson and other AI programs similar to it will power every business. David Cox, IBM Director of MIT-IBM Watson AI Lab says that soon even your local mom and pop shop will have a significant use for artificial intelligence. Mr. Cox's program at MIT focuses on fundamental research in artificial intelligence and their advancement. There were three main points that Mr. Cox had when discussing AI's relationship with business:

1. Every business everywhere will eventually depend on AI

"Pretty soon every company will genuinely be an AI company. AI will be so integrated into everything we do, it will be like software. I don’t care if you run a grocery store or a legal consultancy. It will be woven into everything. Every company at every scale will have to have some strategy to harness it or they risk being left behind.”

2. You can get ahead of the learning curve

“There are also a lot of tools in development to help people learn AI technology. There is a learning curve, just like there was during the dawn of software. And just like software, there’s a cycle of hype and fear and then everyone will price it in. The faster you learn it, the more of an advantage you have."

3. Define the problems you need to solve

“AI is a tool. But you won’t be able to deploy it correctly if you don’t understand why you are using it. Don’t fall into the trap of just learning the buzzwords. Really try to define the problems you are trying to solve."
Many companies are worried about the perception that their system is "outdated" with a green screen interface. Profound Logic is the leader in application modernization efforts, giving our customers one of the easiest and cost-effective ways to give their system the "upgrade" it needs!

Topics: Events & Education, Application modernization, IBM i applications, Node.js, Profound.js, IBM i, RPG, AS400 modernization, IBM i Modernization, Agile modernization, iSeries, Legacy Modernization

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