iModernize - The Profound Logic Software Blog

IBM i Pulse: October 6th, 2017

Posted by Tim Losee on Oct 6, 2017 9:00:00 AM


Glad to have you back for this week's IBM i Pulse! Each week we will be taking a deeper look at this week's IBM i news. This week we are looking at debunking IBM i myths, accelerating with Node.js, and Watson and the weather.

But First... 

Brian May has another great article with MC Press Online about Cleaning up your mess with RPG's On-Exit! Check it out below:


Debunking 5 Myths About IBM i

by Brett Martin

Stop me if you have heard this before... IBM i is not a thriving modern computer platform. Younger programmers have no interest in the platform.  Wrong and Wrong. Steve Wills, Chief Architect for IBM i, sat down with four your programmers who are considered the "Fresh Faces" of IBM i for a discussion about the myths surrounding the IBM i platform, and how it is perceived by the younger generation of programmers (Spoiler: Our own Liam Allan is one of the featured "Fresh Faces" and was an instrumental part of this discussion). Here are the 5 Myths that these "Fresh Faces" helped to debunk with Steve Wills.

Myth 1 - RPG Programmers Are Essential, But Hard to Find

Actually, qualified programmers are easy to find for a company, if you look beyond the "RPG" label. Most college graduates who already know one programming language have an easy time picking up RPG as a second (or even third) language. The truth is that most young programmers aren't getting into IBM i, not because it is dying, but because they don't know about it! 

Myth 2 - IBM i Has No Future

In reality, the IBM i road map extends all the way to 2027 and IBM itself has given it's full support of IBM i and RPG going into the future. With new "Fresh Faces" IBM i can remain the mainstay for businesses and will continue to evolve just like any technology. On top of that, IBM i platform can be coupled with other IBM solutions like DB2, which will extend the life of the IBM i well into the future. 

Myth 3 - IBM i Education is Hard to Find

Many colleges and universities offer a wide range of IBM i curriculum still to this day. Outside of the classroom, interested young programmers can take on internships as well as join user groups, attend conferences like COMMON, and many other resources to educate themselves. Conferences are especially popular with the younger programmers, "We actually get to sit down, have a chat with each other about what we're working on and might need help with," says Liam Allan.

Myth 4 - IBM i Isn't a Modern Platform

With companies like Profound Logic creating beautiful modernized green screens, the IBM i is no longer shackled to the old 5250 perception. Gone are the days where you are stuck with a simple data entry interface, with new agile modernization techniques you can easily turn your data into an easy to use Web 2.0 interface. You also have the ability to use API's like IoT, Cloud Servers, and Watson with products likeProfound.js.

Myth 5 - IBM i Isn't an Open Environment

New applications can be written in new and modern languages that are more open like Node.js and Python. A strong network of newer programmers like these "Fresh Faces" breeds a community of open-source developers that continue to contribute to the growth of the IBM i. "There are even more options outside of what IBM provides. That's the reason open source is good - because there are so many different options to do things," says Liam.


Accelerate Application Modernization with Node.js

by Node.js Foundation

The growth of Node.js has been well documented and last year Forrester did a report on that growth. They found that Node.js was much more then an application platform, they found that Node was used within global enterprises across all ranges of industries. Here are some of their findings:

It's Enterprise Ready: Node.js can be used by used by everyone, not just digital startups and web-scale companies. Massive companies can use its tools to help build their business even bigger.

It Powers Digital Transformation: Node.js enables companies to reduce the risk of large scale technological shifts by helping them to adapt quickly when in need of a digital transformation.

It is More Than an Application Platform: Node.js can help you enable quick experimentation with your data, application modernization, and can drive API's like IoT, Cloud Servers, and Watson.

Modernizing Applications is one of the largest goals for companies, and the ability to adapt so quickly is one of the reasons that Node.js is growing so rapidly. After years of rebuilding and restructuring their data, traditional companies are now finding it difficult to update and keep relevant in the IT world. Luckily, pairing their microservice-based architectures with Node.js can help you modernize your interface to help deliver new/better services and products. Profound.js is living proof of that ability! To see how Netflix and Lowe's embraced Node.js, take a look at the full article.


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Coders Create Weather Bots in Pittsburgh Using IBM Watson

by Courtney Linder

Here is a fun article on how a group of coders was invited to work with Watson for 30 days and get hands on experience with Watson's capabilities. This is part of an ongoing effort to get more coders familiar with the thought learning AI from IBM. 

“Any time you have a diverse group of people, the outputs are better,” says Jeanne Jang, director of IBM's Digital Innovation Lab.

“You give it [Watson] data and it learns from that data, It’s software that you can use without necessarily understanding how it works," says Kyle Guske, a junior computer science major at Carnegie Mellon University, and one of the participants in the IBM Coding Cognitive workshop. Check out what they created in the full article below:


November 15th-17th Profound Logic will be hosting our 2nd annual PLUS Seminar for their customers. Get the most value from your Profound Logic investment and assure your modernization success. Register here today!

One of our focuses for 2017 is the continued adoption of Node.js in IBM i shops. Click here to read our white paper on Why Node.js Is The Solution Your Company Needs.

Also, Profound.js 2.0 has been released! See how Profound.js 2.0 can help modernize your IBM i today!

And there, you're all caught up! Sounds like we have an interesting 2017!

Topics: Events & Education, Application modernization, IBM i applications, Node.js, Profound.js, IBM i, RPG, AS400 modernization, IBM i Modernization, Agile modernization, iSeries, Legacy Modernization

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