iModernize - The Profound Logic Software Blog

IBM i Pulse: March 24th, 2017

Posted by Tim Losee on Mar 24, 2017 9:00:00 AM


Glad to have you back for this week's IBM i news roundup! This week we are looking at some cyber security requirements, the Internet of Things, and some help setting up your business with the cloud. But First...

Our own Ted Holt had a great article for IT Jungle on Condintional SQL I/O. Ted gives 2 methods to help you retrieve your data if you are trying to replace the CHAIN operation with SQL.

Check out the full article below.


Why IBM i Organizations Should Pay Attention to What Happens in New York

by Carol Woodbury 

March 1st the state of New York introduced legislation that requires certain cyber security measures be put in place for business. This new law will effectively protect personal data that business have in their servers and keep the public having to foot the bill for massive security breaches. This article will go over all the requirements needed for this new law. Some of the highlight requirements are:

  • Security Policy
  • Education
  • Encryption of Nonpublic Information
  • Risk assessments 
  • Vulnarability assessments

This new law may be just in New York right now, but governments all over the US and the world are becoming increasingly aware of the importance of cyber security. Profound UI not only helps modernize your applications, but can also help secure up your business data.


Internet of Things: You Can't Avoid the Inevitable

by Graham Williamson 


Internet of Things (IoT) is here to stay and can be a very useful tool for business who may not even realize they need the help. For those who do not know what IoT is, this is a perfect article to help you determine how IoT can help you and also some of the important questions to ask before implementing. Two main question topics are on Collection and Control Devices.

Collection Devices:

  • How will you associate ownership with collected data?
  • How will you protect data, and how will you give owners access to it?
  • How will you allow users to share data with authorized persons?

Control Devices:

  • Who should be able to access control devices?
  • What level of access should approved users be given?
  • Should users be able to delegate access to others?

If you are a IBM i user, and think that IoT would benefit your business, our Profound.js package can covert your RPG into node.js and allow you to seamlessly work with IoT.


3 Strategies to Ready Your Organization for Cloud-based Innovation

by Frank Naccarati

The cloud has quickly become a tool that companies rely on, for both internal and external use. As Frank puts it,"The cloud is driving this agile approach from the inside and the outside. Internally, cloud technologies have made it possible to try new ideas almost immediately with only a modest investment. Externally, the cloud has fostered consumer expectations for brands to offer mobile interfaces that integrate seamlessly with a brick-and-mortar presence." 

But you still need to be pointed in the right direction on how to best set yourself up for success with the cloud. Here are 3 strategies to help you get started:

  • Adopt a "Hurry Up Offense"
  • Challenge Systems and Structure
  • Embrace a Start-up Mentality

These three steps can put you on the fast track to getting your business ready for the cloud. Once you are ready to utilize the Cloud Profound.js can be a vital tool to help extend your RPG to the Cloud using Node.js If you feel the Cloud can benefit your business and are looking for a proof of concept, feel free to request one here.


One of our focuses for 2017 is the continued adoption of Node.js in IBM i shops. Click here to read our white paper on Why Node.js Is The Solution Your Company Needs.

And there, you're all caught up! Sounds like we have an interesting 2017 ahead of us! 

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