iModernize - The Profound Logic Software Blog

IBM i Pulse: June 28th, 2019

Posted by Tim Losee on Jun 28, 2019 12:01:00 AM


Glad to have you back for this week's IBM i Pulse! Each week we'll take a deeper look at the latest IBM i and Profound Logic news. This week we are looking at some guidelines on helping you assess your legacy IBM platform and price comparison on IBM's new cloud service.

From Our Experts:

Profound Logic News:

Educational Resources:

Product News:

  • Version 6 Fix Pack 3.3 for Profound UI has now been published with some great updates.

Industry News:
Considering Leaving Legacy IBM Platforms? by Thomas Klinect and Mike Chuba

Legacy is such a problematic word when it comes to discussing your IBM platform. It can give the impression of being long-lasting and steady, but it could also give the idea of being outdated and due for replacement. To add to the confusion, "Legacy" platforms are continuously being integrated with updated hardware and new technologies like open-source tools that help appeal to a broader developer pool. Before determining that your "Legacy" platform is out-of-touch, consider some of the capabilities and qualities that that IBM platform has. Here are three recommendations to think about before deciding to leave your IBM platform:

  • Remove emotion from the decision-making process by conducting a business-led, IT supported audit of the entire ecosystem, in order to understand the business benefits of a platform change.
  • Analyze existing technology and capabilities as well as the quality of traditional platforms by documenting the gap between business requirements and the platforms supporting them.
  • Uncover the total cost of ownership of transitioning from the existing platform to another by performing a fact-based analysis of current expenditures, as well as contrasting the target platform expenses, being sure to include total transformation costs in the budget.

Read the full report here

How Big Blue Stacks Up IBM i on Premises and on Cloud by Timothy Prickett Morgan

How much more does running your IBM i cost on the IBM Cloud vs. buying an on-premises machine with roughly the same amount of capacity and installing IBM i on it? The answer: it all depends. There are too many variables to know the exact number, but in general, the cloud is always more expensive than an on-premise machine. 

That should surprise you if you think about it. Using cloud infrastructure, you are offloading maintaining hardware, upgrading software, and other tedious tasks to the cloud provider. Many on-site programmers have dual roles as system administrators and programmers. Meaning half their time is maintaining the hardware, and half their time is dedicated to programming. This cost is not typically factored into the decision when comparing on-site vs. off-site capabilities. 

IBM recently revealed its plans for IBM i and AIX on its public cloud (Power Systems Virtual Server on IBM Cloud) this past February at its annual Think conference. Last week the pricing for these IBM i and AIX slices was revealed. This article takes a deep dive into the analysis of that pricing and performance to give you some guidelines in making your decision and approach to potentially moving to the IBM Cloud. 


Many companies are worried about the perception that their system is "outdated" with a green screen interface. Profound Logic is the leader in application modernization efforts, giving our customers one of the easiest and cost-effective ways to give their system the "upgrade" it needs!

Topics: Events & Education, Application modernization, IBM i applications, Node.js, Profound.js, IBM i, RPG, AS400 modernization, IBM i Modernization, Agile modernization, iSeries, Legacy Modernization

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