iModernize - The Profound Logic Software Blog

IBM i Pulse: June 16th, 2017

Posted by Tim Losee on Jun 16, 2017 9:00:00 AM


Glad to have you back for this week's IBM i news roundup! This week we are looking at promoting the IBM i and Watson Analytic. But First...

The Guru strikes again! Ted Holt has another addition of Guru 400 and this week Ted has part 1 of Error Handling in SQL PL. Another great one Ted!


Promoting IBM i - Triggering Events

by Steve Will

For anyone who is involved in your companies infrastructure or the development of applications, you have a very specific skill set. This skill set is unique to your companies platform, but if the leadership of your company decides to evaluate whether they want to move away from that platform it can be scary. When you hear that your skill set may not be needed anymore, panic can be a natural reaction. Steve breaks down how to promote the IBM i platform to your company and showcase that the needs of IBM i to help you keep the platform that your skill set is on. In part one he discusses the Triggering Events of a potential shift away from the IBM i platform.

  • New Leadership - Many new leaders will come into a department that they have little experience or knowledge in and will begin to evaluate all aspects of that department. Many times they are driven to make their own "mark" on their new position and platform evaluation is one of the staples for a new CTO.
  • Periodic Due Diligence - Any successful company will continually evaluate their practices and routines to find more efficient and cost effective ways to do business. This could easily trigger a look into other platforms. 
  • Growth - When a company goes through a significant growth cycle, infrastructure will be looked at to see if it can handle the extra workload.
  • Merge & Acquisition - When companies merge or acquisitions are created, there must always be an evaluation of technology and infrastructure.
  • News - Many times, CTOs can be swayed by news information or new product launch announcements that could persuade them to research said product. 

Knowing these trigger events will help you stay one step ahead of a potential IBM i platform shake up. If you are in need of justifying your IBM i platform to your leadership, consider a modernization project with Profound UI or Profound.js. These tools can quickly modernize your IBM i information, all while saving you time and money from moving away from IBM i. 


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'Extending the Power of Node to your IBM i Applications' 

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A New Data Connection From IBM i To Watson Analytics

by Alex Woodie

Analytics are everywhere these days, if you haven't noticed. There are hundreds, if not thousands, of analytic tools to help you with your companies needs. But now there is a tool that harnesses the full power of IBM for your analytic... Watson. Many of us have heard about Watson (or seen the commercials), but few know his full capabilities. IBM has been making an effort in exposing all of Watson's abilities lately, and analytic is just one of those capabilities.

“It is designed to make it easier for our clients to leverage Watson and connect their IBM i database into Watson. That’s a brand new capability . . . we already had clients who were starting to leverage applications, like free form RPG, to connect from an application standpoint into Watson.  But now you can actually connect your data securely into Watson as well, to leverage all of the capabilities we have there in that environment.” Says Steve Sibley, IBM's vice president and business line executive in charge of systems. 

One of those companies that is already leveraging Watson is Profound Logic with Profound.js. Profound.js can easily leverage the power of Watson (along with the Cloud and IoT) to help modernize your IBM i platform quickly and efficiently. 


And Finally...

Here is a great article on 4 ways that you can support your customers through a digital transformation. Keeping your customers happy is a key during any transformation. 


One of our focuses for 2017 is the continued adoption of Node.js in IBM i shops. Click here to read our white paper on Why Node.js Is The Solution Your Company Needs.

Also, Profound.js 2.0 has been released! See how Profound.js 2.0 can help modernize your IBM i today!

And there, you're all caught up! Sounds like we have an interesting 2017!

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