iModernize - The Profound Logic Software Blog

IBM i Pulse: February 5, 2016

Posted by Profound Logic on Feb 5, 2016 12:24:54 PM


You’re reading IBM i Pulse, our weekly bite-sized roundup of the latest headlines in the IBM i industry. Before we begin, I want to let everyone know that our modernization survey results are now available. We discovered things like the #1 concern upper managers with IBM i, the direction of the platform, and more. Click here to learn more.

Now for the news. This first article is great.

Ain't Nobody's Business But Your Own
by Dan Burger

  • The distance between the IT department and the executive suite in some IBM midrange shops makes a trip to Mars seem like a hop, skip, and a jump. How do you close that gap? 
  • For one thing, you probably will need to learn another language. No, not Java. Not HTML, either. It's the language of business.
  • Emphasizing business benefits is Oberholtzer's strongest advice, and that's done by steering clear of technical dialogue and learning how to talk in terms of business advantages.


RPG Academy: /FREE Your Code – What the Most-Used Operation Codes Look Like in Free-Format
by Rafael Victoria-Pereira

  • The previous TechTip introduced the rules you need to abide by to write code in free-format and provided a simple example. This time around, I'll provide additional examples and discuss a few important things you'll need to keep in mind while coding in this new way.
  • The next code samples include instructions with code blocks inside other code blocks and also show how Factor 1, not used in the example from last time, is used in free format.


The Internet of Unprotected Things
By Steve Pitcher

  • Today I was able to find a number of IBM i partitions that were live on the Internet with open ports for FTP and Telnet.
  • Using this tool, I was able to easily dig up the IP addresses of some IBM i partitions that were listening on port 21 (FTP). I checked three addresses in total. There's enough evidence in these few examples to prove a point.


Big IBM i Shops Get Beefier Memory
by Timothy Prickett Morgan

  • The good news for IBM i shops is that as IBM tries to encourage customers to move in-memory databases to the Power Systems platforms, this is driving up main memory requirements. And so IBM is doubling up the main memory cards it makes, which is calls Centaur DIMMs, or CDIMMs for short, to a maximum capacity of 256 GB.
  • IBM is not providing any benchmarks or specifications about how such large blocks of memory might affect system performance, but obviously more memory is a good thing in a lot of cases.


Yet Another IBM Pricing Scheme For Power MSPs
by Timothy Prickett Morgan

  • One of the problems with hardware is that it is a sunk capital cost to acquire it, which is why financing and now cloud computing, where you lease or rent the capacity in a server or storage array rather than buy it, is popular.
  • In announcement letter 116-003, IBM is offering yet another pricing scheme to MSPs, in this case on very specific configurations of its Power S822 two-socket server.


That's it for this week! Let me know if I missed anything in the comments below.

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