iModernize - The Profound Logic Software Blog

IBM i Pulse: August 18th, 2017

Posted by Tim Losee on Aug 18, 2017 9:00:00 AM


Glad to have you back for this week's IBM i Pulse! Each week we will be taking a deeper look at this week's IBM i news. This week we are looking IBM i and Open Source, Database questions and developing a IoT strategy.  But First... 

PC Magazine did a great interview with IBM Watson CTO on Augmented Intelligence vs AI.


IBM i and Open Source

by  Greg Patterson

From Apache to PHP to now Node.js, IBM has long supported Open Source technology on the IBM i platform. But not everyone sees it. Currently Open Source technology is a vital key to development on the IBM i and it will play a vital role in the future, but why doesn't everyone use it?

Many IBM i developers know the benefits of their OS (secure, powerful, stable), but they don't see the versatility that OS can bring to their IBM i. The advantages that come with the OS technology can help secure the continued growth of their company as well as giving them access to the future IT of the IBM i community. Greg talks about 4 key points that developers need to understand to maximize their OS experience. 

The Importance of OS - To trust something you must first understand the importance it can bring to you. Open Source is the future of IBM i. Period. Never has then been more clear then recently when IBM announced that IBM i 7.3 will include support for GIT along with Node.js and other Open Source technology. 

Where to Start - Depending on what end you are focused on (front end or back end) this might change slightly. Most green screen developers handle both so you could start with an OS like Node.js to help you work on both front and back end. Node.js is a purpose built language that can help you on the back end, but also utilizes JavaScript to help you on the front end. After you feel comfortable with one OS... learn a new one!

API's and Application Lifecycle - More modern web applications are built around and for API's and web services. As you become more comfortable with web applications and APIs you can then start to think about the lifecycle of your applications. Open Source can help with that too. Git is a great example of leading source control management tool.

Attracting Web Developers - One of the most talked about topics in the IBM i community is how to attract new and young web developers. By focusing on and introducing Open Source technologies to your business, you will be letting new talent know that you are future focused and are using technology that they already are learning.  


Does IBM i Need More Databases?

by Alex Woodie

One of the biggest things that makes the IBM i stand out is its connection to the DB2 database. For as long as most of us can remember, IBM i (formally AS/400 and iSeries) shops have almost exclusively used the integrated database and some have even used the IBM i platform to use the DB2 database. Although you can run your IBM i on other databases, most companies tend to work with IBM's strengths not against them. But is there a case to not use DB2 and does IBM need to offer more support options?

As time when on, storage became less expensive as technology advanced and with new innovation came cheaper means to store your data. In the 2000's extensible markup language (XML) burst onto the scene, and around 2010 we started hearing about JavaScript Object Notation (JSON). The evolution has been steady for several decades now. And now we are seeing the rise of another creation of a new class of non-relational database management systems, commonly named NoSQL.

NoSQL databases are rapidly gaining market share for new applications, particularly for Web and mobile applications. The popular growth of NoSQL comes from the developers themselves; they would prefer to program the applications in NoSQL because it focuses on storing self-defining data types, lacks a fixed schema, which makes it easier to adapt and modify that database over time.

DB2 has dominated the database space when it comes to IBM i, but it hasn't been the only player in town. We have seen the rise of other databases in the past such as... MySQL and MariaDB. IBM has taken its cue from these other databases and begun to modify the DB2 to reflect some of the changes that these other databases provide. DB2 will continue to dominate the space as long as they work on adjusting with the growing IT needs of developers. We shall see what happens.


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How to Develop an Internet of Things Strategy

by Thor Olavsrud

To some the Internet of Things (IoT) could be the next big thing sense... well... the internet. Some professionals predict that by 2020 more then 20 billion devices will be using the Internet of Things. Leveraging the opportunities that IoT can bring to your business is vital and requires a decisive plan.  John Rossman, who spent four years launching and then running Amazon's Marketplace business breaks down the 3 phrases to a great IoT strategy. 

  1. Develop and Articulate your plan
    • Analyze Your Landscape
    • Analyze Value-chain and Profit-pool
    • Analyze Partners, Vendors and Competitors
    • Analyze Customer Needs
    • Evaluate Your Framework
    • Articulate the Strategy
  2. Build Your IoT Roadmap
    • Create a Future Press Release
    • Create a Future IoT FAQ
    • Create a User Manual 
    • Create a Project Charter
  3. Identify and Map Your IoT Requirements 
    • Answer insight questions
    • Answer analytic questions
    • Answer performance questions
    • Answer environmental and operational questions
    • Answer cost questions


November 15th-17th Profound Logic will be hosting our 2nd annual PLUS Seminar for their customers. Get the most value from your Profound Logic investment and assure your modernization success. Register here today!

One of our focuses for 2017 is the continued adoption of Node.js in IBM i shops. Click here to read our white paper on Why Node.js Is The Solution Your Company Needs.

Also, Profound.js 2.0 has been released! See how Profound.js 2.0 can help modernize your IBM i today!

And there, you're all caught up! Sounds like we have an interesting 2017!

Topics: Events & Education, Application modernization, IBM i applications, Profound.js, IBM i, RPG, AS400 modernization, IBM i Modernization, Agile modernization, iSeries, Legacy Modernization

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