iModernize - The Profound Logic Software Blog

Making IBM i Modernization Easier with Mass Conversions - Part 1

Posted by Jordan Antonoff on Apr 4, 2014 9:11:05 AM

Save Time and Effort with Mass Conversion Services from Profound Logic Software

For the next couple of weeks, I'll be discussing a solution that some folks don't know about - but should! And that solution is called Mass Conversion.

The idea behind Profound UI, Profound Logic’s suite of IBM i UI modernization software, is that any RPG programmer can easily modernize their existing RPG application’s UI without learning a whole new skill set and with practically no learning curve.

Many customers have undertaken this effort on their own and have done so with great success. However, there are those situations where resource constraints and project backlogs can keep a company from undertaking a large scale modernization project. In this situation, companies often see IBM i/RPG modernization as critical to the business, have budget for the project, but just can’t find the time or the resources to execute. In addition, there are those companies that have adequate resources, but don’t want to wait the length of time it will take to complete a project of this scope on their own.

In only a matter of months, we can truly transform your IBM i applications and bring them into the 21st century, with practically no disruption to your business.

Don’t fret my IBM i friends; this is where our Mass Conversion comes in! In a matter of months, we at Profound Logic can convert your entire IBM i from green screens to browser-based, Web 2.0, GUI applications. Yes, you read that right: In only a matter of months, we can truly transform your IBM i applications and bring them into the 21st century, with practically no disruption to your business. Other vendors will claim to have the capability to quickly modernize your systems, but they will do so using screen scraping technologies, whereas our solution is not a screen scraper in any way, shape or form! With a Mass Conversion service, all ties to green screens are eliminated.

So here's the big question: Why is Mass Conversion the right choice for companies looking to modernize their IBM i applications?

Cut the ties to 5250 with Profound UI and Mass ConversionThe most common example we see is when a company has the budget to modernize, just not the development resources or time to put into the effort. There are, however, other situations where a Mass Conversion makes sense. For example, if you are looking at getting rid of your IBM i because management is pressuring you to move away from an “old” system, or if you can’t find new programmers to replace those soon to retire.

How can Mass Conversion help in these cases? Well, in order to "modernize through migration" by leaving the IBM i for another platform, you would have to do one of the following:

  1. Re-write RPG code in another language and completely redesign your UI
  2. Move to a new software package

These are definitely options. However, options with significant risk. We at Profound Logic have seen companies both large and small, invest millions of dollars and years of labor, only to fail in their IBM i migration efforts and in the end, remain on the platform. So, why not avoid burning a huge hole in your company’s purse? Why not avoid never ending projects from large ERP vendors? Or, look to third party programmers, unfamiliar with your business processes to rewrite programs essential to your day-to-day operations and just stick with what works. A Mass Conversion is the answer to avoiding this unnecessary risk, while achieving your modernization goals!

In Part 2 on this topic, we'll discuss how a Mass Conversion works and give tips on how to get started. Stay tuned!

Topics: RPG Development, Development

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