iModernize - The Profound Logic Software Blog

Customer Success: 2020 Vehicle Solutions

Posted by Tim Losee on Oct 3, 2017 1:04:06 PM

Over the years Profound Logic has been helping companies maximize the use of their IBM i systems by helping them to modernize their 5250 green screens to a more user friendly Web 2.0 interface. We have been fortunate enough to help many great companies modernize their data without having to completely rewrite their system or leave the IBM i altogether. In this series of blogs we want to highlight some of those customers who we have helped through out the years. Through this blog series you will get to see before and after pictures of their modernization efforts, as well as hear from the customers themselves. 

This week we are focusing on 2020 Vehicle Solutions Std, and the help we were able to bring them to make things easier for their customers.

For years the term "Modernization" was a key buzz word that the industry kicked around, the reason that it was around for so long was that the original idea of "Modernization" gave you two options really; invest millions of dollars in a redevelopment plan or buy a screen-scraping tool to re-use your code that makes your screen look just a bit more modern. Neither of these options were very appealing to Rob Deacon, Director of 2020 Vehicle Solutions in 2010. 

LB2 GREEN.pngAt that time Rob was looking to develop a new Transport System base for his company (that helps provide multi-site and manufacturer, centralized web-based systems for the Automotive Industry). He was looking for a way to not only modernize the look and feel of his green screen, but a way to create a more streamlined experience for his customers. He then spoke to our Software Developer David Russo who simply said "Wait for something special," and instead of diving straight into RPG SP, Rob waited and was shortly there after introduced to Profound UI. 

LB2 UI.png"When Profound UI arrived the sky was the limit!" Recalls Rob. He began working with David to create a Transport System that incorporated logistical databases, interactive workshop controls, and transportation and resource controls all while providing an easy to navigate user interface. Rob also used a bit of JavaScript to make certain aspects of the system intuitive and interactive. For example, the map Rob created is interactive and can give you information simply by hovering your mouse or clicking certain sections of the map. They also used JavaScript to make the areas of a car blueprint change as you interact with them, helping their clients easily record damage to a vehicle.

Besides the obvious look of the data, what does this "Modernization" achieve? With the internet so readily available, Rob's customers can access their transport system from anywhere with a internet connection, including all mobile devices. It has also made it easier for inputting data by allowing customers to select information from a drop-down menu instead of manually entering the code by pressing F4 to search. But, we feel Rob put it best when he said, "Above all though, one of my customers gave me/the product/Profound UI the highest compliment of all when they said very simply that it was 'fun' using the system. If you want people to be productive, making their work fun is priceless." We couldn't agree more Rob!

Our second annual Profound Logic User Seminar (PLUS) is coming up! Register today to reserve your spot for this three day seminar that includes: hands on workshops, key Profound Logic speakers, and both Basic and Advanced learning sessions. The Seminar takes place November 15th-17th. Register Today!


Topics: RPG Development, Application modernization, IBM i applications, Node.js, Profound.js, IBM i, RPG, AS400 modernization, IBM i Modernization, Agile modernization, green screen modernization, 5250

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