iModernize - The Profound Logic Software Blog

Agile Modernization of Your Enterprise

Posted by Tim Losee on Apr 5, 2017 9:00:00 AM

Creating long term sustainability in your business is a vital part of your future. Agile modernization can help you ensure the stability and peace of mind you are searching for. If your company relies on IBM i (formally know as AS/400) to preform the majority of your IT needs, then you are probably facing the following issues: 

  1. Outdated User Interfaces
  2. Lack of RPG Developers
  3. Creative Visual Displays
  4. Easy to use Tools

Some of these issues my have simple solutions, while others may be more difficult; but all of them can feel threatening to your business' future.

Many business' feel that their only option to the above issues is to remove themselves from IBM i platform all together by moving to software packages or rewriting their whole system. But this approach fails time and time again, costing tens of millions of dollars and years of development. Why?

  • Loss of Competitive Advantage
    • When you try to rewrite your systems, you are relying on vendors that do not understand your business needs.
    • If you have created homegrown applications that have been customized to serve your business needs and refined over years, these will be lost in your migration. Losing a massive competitive advantage against your competitors. 
  • Underestimated Time Scope
    • Translating RPG into a non-equivalent language can cause many obstacles and issues for your data.
    • These translating issues can cause projects to drag out longer then intended or even indefinitely.
  • Disruption to Your Customers and Business
    • Most IBM i shops have 50-99% of their business applications on their IBM i. Complications in replacing these programs could greatly hinder your business processes.

The cost-effective and  low-risk solution is Agile Modernization. Our Profound UI product offers several different modules to help provide an “end-to-end” agile modernization solution that includes:

  • Visual Designer - A browser-based design tool that lets you drag-and-drop your way to modern RPG and PHP applications
  • DDS Conversion Tool - Automates the process of converting source code to Rich Display Files for browser-based RPG applications
  • RPG Open Access Handler - Takes RPG applications beyond the 5250 data stream and to any Web browser
  • JumpStart Application Generator - Quickly produce clean, modern PHP and RPG code without starting from scratch 
  • Genie - Instantly refaces your 5250 green-screens in web and mobile browsers
  • Atrium - Replaces green-screen menus with centralized, streamlined and secure web browser navigation

To see how it all works, you can download your trial here

Topics: Application modernization, IBM i applications

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