iModernize - The Profound Logic Software Blog

5 Reasons You Should Be Using Profound.js Right Now

Posted by Tim Losee on Jul 11, 2017 4:07:19 PM

 If you know Profound Logic, then I am sure you have heard about Profound.js 2.0. We released the newest version of Profound.js on May 5th during the 2017 Spring Common Conference and Expo. Over the last few weeks we have been discussing the different aspects of Profound.js 2.0 as well as how to get started with using it. But you may be asking, "But why should MY company be using Profound.js?"  Well here are 5 reasons why you should modernize your legacy IBM i with Profound.js 2.0.

1. Modern Developers to Work on Your Applications

Profound.js using the power of Node.js to translate RPG into JavaScript and allows companies to tap into a gold mine of thousands of new and young developers. Many companies are struggling with replacing their RPG developers who are retiring because not many new developers are learning RPG. But they are learning JavaScript. 

JavaScript is simple, preformant, portable, and powerful and is used practically everywhere today. The technology has already surpassed all other languages in terms of usage, popularity, number of open source projects, and developers using it. 

Regardless of any existing server-side technologies, JavaScript is already the defacto high level language for all client-side user interface development. That means that all developers today should know JavaScript, so that the server-side and client-side development is more efficient and easier for all parties. 

When surveyed, IBM i shops state finding new and young development talent is one of the top worries of maintaining the IT side of their business. 

2. Minimal Financial Risk of Modernizing IBM i

Profound.js 2.0 provides an agile approach to modernization. This agile approach reduces the costs and risks normally associated with rewriting RPG applications or migrating away from the IBM i altogether. Profound.js 2.0 allows you to convert RPG applications to Node.js on the IBM i as needed without losing compatibility.

You can then integrate applications as Web services for easy integration with the likes of Java, .NET, and PHP programs. This gives you much more flexibility then your old standard 5250 Green Screen. On top of integrating services like Java, .NET, and PHP; you can also extend the reach of your IBM i by taking advantage of the resources available on the Open-source Ecosystem (more on that later). Programs like Watson API, Cloud, and IoT (Internet of Things) are now at your fingertips.

On top of that, Profound.js uses Visual Designer to help you create beautiful graphical interfaces to eliminate any perception that your company has "outdated" technology. All of these things can be done in house, with Profound.js at a fraction of the cost to completely rewrite your RPG code or migrate off of the IBM i.

3. Immediate Access to Open Source Packages

We talked earlier about having access to the Open Source resources out there, and this can be a game changer for any business. Once you have the Profound.js program, you can immediately start utilizing open source packages provided by NPM (Node Package Manager). There are literary hundreds of thousands of packages created and maintained by the Node community. 

Essentially this gives your business access to capabilities that would normally cost you thousands of dollars, for free. Yes I said for free! Some examples of NPM packages include:

  • PDF, Excel, Image Generation
  • JSON, XML processing, Web, Mobile Tools
  • Web Services Capabilities
  • Email
  • Encryption/Security

These packages can increase your productivity, make your code much easier to use, and create much easier user interface for your code. 

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4. Easy Transition to a New Language for Developers

Before we talked about attracting new developers who might not know RPG, but do know JavaScript. What if you have developers who only know RPG and aren't ready to retire? Are you suppose to wait on any modernization projects? No way! Profound.js creates code that is easy to understand for both experienced Node.js users as well as those who are new to it. This transition to Node.js is made possible by the easy to use Profound.js API that provides virtually all capabilities of RPG, including:

  • Top-down transactional programming without any requirement to use JavaScript callbacks. 
  • Integration API to seamlessly call existing RPG programs, CL programs, and IBM i commands.
  • Ability to work with display files concepts, such as record formats and subfiles.
  • Data manipulation API for common RPG operations.
  • Record Level Access for database tables. 
  • All RPG data types, including complex data structure. 

This makes it easy for ANY developer to transition into the JavaScript language through Node.js.

5. Complete Integration with Existing IBM i Resources

You might be asking, "does converting my RPG programs to Node.js take away the already existing capabilities of RPG and IBM i?" No it does not. In fact, the new Node.js code will have all the same IBM i integration capabilities as you had before the conversion to Node.js (DB2 database, ILE programs on IBM i, etc.). The converted Node.js module can run just like any other ILE program on IBM i, and has access to API tasks as well.

Your Node.js code has the ability to call other RPG, CL and COBAL programs seamlessly, as well as call 5250 green-screen interactive commands directly from Node, and have them rendered as HTML5 on-the-fly. In addition, Node.js has the ability to be called from RPG, CL, or the command line using a standard IBM i CALL operation or command. It also offers support for all native IBM i data types and seamlessly handles parameters between native programs and Node.js. 

This seamless conversion from RPG to Node.js will make it easy for any developer, whatever level they are, to be able to adapt quickly and effectively. 

There are many more reasons beyond these as to why you should be using Profound.js 2.0 right now. To see them all visit

Profound.js harnesses the power of Agile Modernization and Node.js for IBM i application modernization. For more information on Profound.js 2.0 and how to get started with it click here!


Topics: RPG Development, Application modernization, IBM i applications, Node.js, Profound.js, IBM i, RPG, AS400 modernization, IBM i Modernization, Agile modernization

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