iModernize - The Profound Logic Software Blog

5 Reasons Why You Should Be at 'i on the Enterprise'

Posted by Amanda Blackburn on May 31, 2016 3:14:19 PM
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We're a little over a week away from an event that I'm very excited to be a part of: the first ever 'i on the Enterprise' virtual conference, co-sponsored by Profound Logic and ARCAD Software.

Profound Logic and ARCAD have partnered to bring Enterprise Modernization solutions to businesses around the world. This free event is a great opportunity to learn how you can safely, affordably modernize your IBM i business.  The event will have six sessions on two tracks, and includes top-notch industry leaders like Tim Rowe.

If you haven't signed up yet, and need some more "convincing", here are five reasons why you shouldn't miss this event! 

Reason #1: The benefits of a convention, without leaving your office

As I type this, I'm still recovering from the EPIC week in New Orleans that was Spring COMMON 2016. Not only is COMMON the biggest IBM i user group event in the world, and a fantastic opportunity to gain knowledge to be a better programmer from some of the top minds in the industry, it's a family reunion of sorts. It's my chance to see faces I only see once a year, and to catch up with new and old friends alike.

But as we all know, it's not always possible to travel to attend conventions. That doesn't mean that you should miss out on educational opportunities to help you excel at your job - and to help your company be the best it can be!

Fortunately, there's an alternative to the traditional destination-convention: a VIRTUAL event, like the one we're hosting on June 8 will give you the chance to attend educational sessions, network with other users, and check out vendor solutions... without leaving your office. Heck - you could attend in your pajamas if you wanted to! We won't judge.

Attend in your pajamasThis could be you!

Reason #2: Your Boss is invited, too

The 2016 State of IBM i Modernization showed that one of the top challenges in businesses running IBM i is "overcoming the negative perception management has of the platform". Educational sessions on the Executive Track, including a keynote by Tim Rowe, will have content geared to managers and executives to demonstrate how it's possible to have a completely modern and successful company with an Enterprise Modernization approach. We'll also have sessions on how to address another key concern of management: "how to hire and retain development talent". You're worried that the well of talent is running dry for supporting your IBM i and we've got the answer.

This isn't your regular old event where all the sessions are geared towards developers. Everyone involved in an IBM i enterprise will learn something valuable to apply to their work. Tell your non-developer colleagues they can join the party this time.

Reason #3: But what about the developers?

We haven't forgotten about you! Sessions on the Developer Track, kicked off with a keynote by Charles Guarino, are designed to demonstrate the benefits modernizing your RPG code, databases, and application interfaces, while using modern tooling and development best practices. You'll learn how ARCAD and Profound Logic offer the most intuitive, native, and comprehensive solutions to support your modern business, while retaining your business logic, talent, and platform.

Reason #4: Engage and Interact, or Don't

The i on the Enterprise virtual conference offers lots of opportunities to engage with speakers and attendees — from interactive chat sessions and Q&A with the speakers in every session, to a virtual expo hall where you can chat with the sponsors and pick up literature, to a badge-earning contest where you are rewarded for how active you are in the event. (The person with the most badges will win a $250 gift card!)

You'll have the freedom to speak directly to our experts and also mingle with all the other attendees. But of course you don't have to! The cool thing about this being a virtual event is that you don't have to be in "networking mode" all the time. Feel free to shut out all the noise and focus on learning.

Reason #5: Did we mention it's free?

It's absolutely no cost to attend sessions on either track (or some from both) - so why not invite your boss, co-workers, and customers to attend and learn how they can be the best IBM i business they can be through Enterprise Modernization? Just point them to and tell them to sign up!

We at Profound Logic and Arcad have been hustling hard to create a spectacular event for you and can't wait to see you there. Mark your calendars for June 8, 2016 9am EST/3pm CET and don't be late! If you're still not signed up, click here and fill out the form to put your name down. It only takes 10 seconds. :)

If for some reason you're still not convinced, please let us know why in the comments below. Is it because of the date, time, or are you just not interested? We want to provide another great educational experience for the IBM i community and would love to hear your feedback. 

Topics: Events & Education

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