iModernize - The Profound Logic Software Blog

5 Reasons Why You Don't Want To Miss PLUS 2018

Posted by Amanda Blackburn on Oct 11, 2018 3:35:45 PM
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There's never been a more exciting time to be an IBM i customer. There are more options than ever before when it comes to application modernization and development for your business. 

If you're a Profound Logic customer, you'll be pleased to know that when it comes to IBM i solutions and services, we're leading the pack! 

Our annual Profound Logic User Seminar is the ultimate opportunity for customers and partners to learn about the latest Profound product offerings. You can purchase tickets to PLUS here. 

Here are five reasons why PLUS 2018 is the can't-miss event of the year!

1. Add Value to Your Investment

We know that purchasing software for your business is an investment - not only in dollars, but in the time it takes to learn and master that software.  By attending PLUS, you'll add significant value to your Profound Logic software investment and ensure ROI. The seminar is made up of in-depth product sessions and hands-on labs, led by our product developers and experts. You'll return to your business armed with the knowledge you need to successfully turbocharge your modernization efforts!

2. Learn from the Experts

Here at Profound, we're extremely proud of the IBM i experts on our team, and want to share their knowledge with you! The sessions and labs at PLUS will be led by none other than these IBM i evangelists and Profound product specialists, including Scott Klement, Brian May, Alex Roytman, and Ted Holt. These experts will be available throughout the sessions, labs, and networking events to answer your questions and give you exclusive access to their wealth of expertise. Click here to see the list of speakers.  

3. Get Hands-On Experience

In addition to a schedule full of deep-dive educational sessions, you'll have the opportunity to attend hands-on labs throughout the seminar. All of our labs will be led by Profound Logic developers and experts, including Scott and Brian, on topics ranging from GUI themes to Node.js to mobile. Lab hosts will provide guided instruction with handouts you can take home with you. This is the ultimate opportunity to "learn by doing" with the complete suite of Profound Logic products. Click Here to see a list of PLUS sessions and labs.

4. Network with Customers and Partners

Not only will you get the chance to learn from our experts, PLUS 2018 will be a great opportunity to meet other Profound Logic customers and partners, and share your experiences. Our evening dinners will give you the chance to network and share your modernization experience, offer tips and advice to other users, and offer feedback to us that will help Profound offer even better solutions.  

5. Prepare for the Future

Last, but not least, PLUS 2018 will prepare you for the future of IBM i modernization. We will demonstrate how Profound Logic's RPG and Node.js products and services are faster, safer, and lower-footprint options for legacy business application modernization.  Additionally, you'll learn how new Profound Logic solutions will make it easier to hire developers for the IBM i platform, and can open your IBM i business applications to Cloud, IoT, and Watson APIs.

Topics: RPG Development, Events & Education, Application modernization, IBM i applications, Node.js, Profound.js, IBM i, RPG, AS400 modernization, IBM i Modernization, Agile modernization, iSeries, Legacy Modernization, Profound UI, AS 400, AS_400, Profound Logic, PLUS 2018

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